What does “Peace” mean to you?

I believe in the power of positive thinking.  The Secret.  The Law of Attraction. Whatever you want to call it; what you put out to the universe comes back.

“What you think, you become.” Buddha.

Your thoughts; positive or negative, good or bad, productive or un, give things the power to come to fruition in your life.

That is why I read with great interest a recent post about another blogger’s initiative, a rally call really, for like-minded bloggers to join together and blog for a cause.


Bloggers For Peace.  


My mind began to wander.

What would happen if many people began to shift their thoughts for this one cause?



There is proof that our hearts emit electro-magnetic waves that can join and be felt around the globe.

Imagine the effect of thousands of people writing about peace and thousands more reading about peace, daily.

Discussions, comments and sharing take place and our electro-magnet waves begin to unite.

This was a movement for which I wanted to be a part.

But I needed to noodle on it for a bit.  What would be my role?  What could I throw in to contribute to the ripple?

So I asked:

What does “Peace” mean to me?

For some, peace means an end to war – in their country, in their streets, in their homes.

For some, peace means freedom from restrictions – slavery, religious persecution, child labour, oppression.

For some, peace means not having to worry about whether their children will eat each day.

Peace is all of those things and more.

What also came to mind was that
peace, if achieved, cannot last without environmental protection.

How long can we survive at the rate of environmental decline currently in existence today – with or without peace?

Therefore, for my contribution to Bloggers For Peace, I have chosen this month to highlight a problem for which we can all contribute toward the solution (since we’ve likely unknowingly contributed to the problem).

The North Pacific Tropical Gyre, a.k.a. The Garbage Patch

Watch, Learn, Absorb, then adopt

 The New 3-R’s: Rethink, Refuse, Reconsider

and the 4th ‘R’


According to the National Geographic link below, “Because the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is so far from any country’s coastline, no nation will take responsibility or provide the funding to clean it up.”

Find out more about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch:

More about Bloggers For Peace:
Another Blogger for Peace:

video credit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnUjTHB1lvM&feature=player_embedded

Below, share your reaction to this video.
And share what ‘Peace’ means to you.

8 responses to “What does “Peace” mean to you?

  1. First, Carolin, thank you for joining the movement. I love your vision of peace spreading positive energy around the globe and the effects that can have.
    Second, thank you for this thoughtful post. I heard an NPR program on the Garbage Patch. I agree that we can’t have lasting peace if we don’t take care of Mother Earth. Another blogger brought up the fact that global warming will limit resources that will make more war in order to survive. Both these points are relevant. Thank you so much for being our environmental ambassador for peace.
    {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  2. Just wanted to let you know that I have linked you in my post for the Super Sweet Blogger Award. 🙂

  3. Just wanted to let you know that I have linked you in my post for the Super Sweet Blogger Award.

    • Wow! I am truly touched and honoured that you would consider me for your list of your “Baker’s Dozen”!! Thank you so very much. And congratulations to you!

  4. Just wanted to let you know that I have linked you in my post for the Super Sweet Blogger Award.

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